[Learning] Setting a quota to enter the top 3

Two months ago, I tweeted the following about “Features of Top Student Study Methods”.
Today, I will explain the third “setting a quota“!

Features of how top students study 😎

・Setup 80%
・Goal setting
Normal quota setting
・Time allocation

So far, I have written several BLOGs with the title “Study to get into the top 3”, so I hope you can refer to them↓

[Learning] Study to enter the top 3 is possible with 80% of the setup!
[Learning] Goal setting to enter the top 3 in the class! Part 1
[Learning] Goal setting to enter the top 3 in the class! Part 2
[Learning] 4 ways to keep from being frustrated by daily study
[Learning method] Studying method to improve learning effect in a short time

By the way, today’s theme is “setting quotas to enter the top 3”!

You know that learning is very important to stay motivated!
Your lack of motivation is a problem before you learned…
I will talk about strategies that will help you study as stress-free as possible.

When I hear the term “norma”, I think that there are many people who have a negative image and are likely to have Alesie, but here I will talk about setting the norma so that it becomes positive!

As you study, you should set short-term goals or clear norms!

I think this kind of story is a phrase I’ve heard in various books, but I’ll talk in detail about the “setting the quota.”

The following two points are important in setting the quotas↓

① Volume that may be completed
② To some extent you can afford

You set these as norms.
I’ll talk in a little more detail.

① Volume that may be completed

It’s important that you set a quota and apply a moderate amount of load, but you tend to set goals that don’t match your processing power…
You, like this, are always in a state of “not catching up” with the quotas, and unfortunately can’t go well.

At this time, you are in a negative cycle of “set goals → cannot catch up → motivation down”

When I asked the top 3 students, they answered all the questions as follows.

“The target is set at about 80%!”

How can you do this (80% setting)… If you know it, you are among the top!
They also say these things.

“I know how much I can study in the days before the exam.”

In this way, they are prepared for learning and know the capacity they can handle from the methods they have accumulated.
We also use a method to ensure that the process of target setting → target achievement is repeated.
At first, they say they were “conscious”, but now they are “unconsciously” repeating this way!
Let’s keep in mind the volume setting (80%) that can be completed!

② To some extent you can afford

I think that the expression “80%” is correct as mentioned above.
The leaders of the top three are saying that they have a margin and have a margin.

Of course, I think I can afford it because I can do it, but this is also the fruit of their efforts!
I can’t think that I was able to make it well from the beginning, I consciously repeated trial and error, and while verifying myself, “Is this okay?” It must have been made into one!

If you’re in trouble because you can’t do it very well, it might be a good idea to consider “time margin” from the perspective of “time management“!

So I would like to introduce “Pomodoro Technique,” which is a technique for time management that I am doing.

Usually, a 25-minute “break” is sandwiched between 25 minutes, but I recommend using this break as “time to spare”!
You can also focus on your concentration!

For example, in 30 minutes, plan 5 questions in 25 minutes, read only one chapter of a textbook, and make sure you have 5 minutes left.
As you consciously repeat this, you will be able to take breaks unconsciously, and you will naturally have more time to relax, and you will have more time to study!

I will explain about the “Pomodoro Technique” that I introduced later on!

That concludes my discussion of setting quotas, but there’s one more important point.

If you are able to make a plan that you can achieve and you have time to spare, I recommend that you gradually increase the amount of learning.
The so-called learning load will be gradually increased.
Rather than doing it all at once, set medium- and long-term goals, start with a short-term plan that is feasible and complete, and keep going!
Then you’ll be able to get it done!

You can do it☆

Thank you for reading to the end today.
I am happy if the content is useful to you.

[Reference books]
フランチェスコ・シリロ (著), 斉藤裕一 (翻訳):どんな仕事も「25分+5分」で結果が出る ポモドーロ・テクニック入門(CCCメディアハウス )2019
リタ・エメット (著), 桑名 真弓 (翻訳):ストレスフリーの時間術 ―イライラ、ヘトヘトを元気いっぱいに変える法(日本経済新聞出版 )2013
メンタリストDaiGo (著):自分を操る超集中力(かんき出版 )2016

☆My BLOG “Kojini’s Cafe

[Related past articles]
[Learning] Study to enter the top 3 is possible with 80% of the setup!

[Learning] Goal setting to enter the top 3 in the class! Part 1

[Learning] Goal setting to enter the top 3 in the class! Part 2

[Learning] 4 ways to keep from being frustrated by daily study

[Learning method] Studying method to improve learning effect in a short time

投稿者: コージーニ先生

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[Learning] Setting a quota to enter the top 3」に2件のコメントがあります

  1. アメリカの方も毎日複数名閲覧してくれていてとても嬉しいです。

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